Client Empowerment 1: When should you ‘play lawyer’?

I always try to focus my client on figuring out how to best utilize my legal services in the most efficient and cost effective way possible.  In the attorney-client relationship, inefficiencies happen in 2 ways.  In one scenario, the client does too much on their own and ends up putting themselves in legal peril because … Continue reading

Client Goals 3: What You Need Your Lawyer To Tell You

In 2005, I attended a conference for lawyers in Amelia Island, Florida.  The location was spectacular but there were mosquitoes galore.  The glorious brochures beckoning me to come to this paradise location never mentioned these bugs, or how much they would enjoy my blood.  (I thought, is this how our clients feel about us lawyers? … Continue reading

Client Goals 2: Be Realistic or Get Clobbered

In my last blog post, we were drifting in a sailboat aimlessly a few feet from the shore and realized that this is not how we should approach our legal matters. I posed a series of questions to help clients begin to identify their optimal goals. In this post, we will look at phase 2 … Continue reading

Client Goals 1: How to Avoid Aimless Drifting

A few years ago, my client took me sailing. I am a novice and relied on his expertise, which for some reason was sorely lacking that day. There were a number of technical difficulties to start; after an hour, we finally left the shore. We did not get very far before we ended up drifting … Continue reading

About this blog…

Legal Sanity, for the first eight years, was really about helping lawyers optimize the business of law, and in particular, how they could create effective Attorney-Client relationships and help their clients achieve their goals. The impetus for Legal Sanity occurred when I looked around and started speaking to lawyers, I was shocked at their level of unhappiness. … Continue reading

return from silence

It’s been over a year since my last blog post and major presentation. I was feeling talked out after almost 6 years of blogging over 400 posts and speaking at over 120 programs. So I decided to take a step back from blogging and speaking, focus on my law practice (which thankfully is thriving), listen … Continue reading

the extraordinary last hour of a life

The other day, I was on the phone listening to a caller I didn’t know talk about a banking service I didn’t need. As my mind wandered to my long todo list, I started losing patience and getting annoyed with the caller and the person who had made the introduction. I decided to cut the … Continue reading